Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Alaska Family receives effective treatment for Hiatal Hernias without Surgery!

One late summer my office received a call from a couple in Alaska inquiring about hiatal hernias.  The husband informed us that both he and his wife had been suffering from abdominal pain for quite some time, which they believed was contributing to their stomach disorders.  More specifically they’d been experiencing acid reflux and were interested in seeking out a more natural but lasting remedy.  They thoroughly searched the internet leading them to me and my work, which was surprising considering how little presence I had on the web at the time. Goes to show you the links people who suffer from hiatal hernias or those that are in constant pain will go through to find relief.   I explained how the specialized therapy I use called, SET body work, addresses this condition.  How I align the body and take out the structural core distortion collapse that contributes to 90% of all pains in the body.  Then I use a combination of deep tissue massage techniques to release the tissues in the muscles allowing the body to be more structurally upright reducing the stress on the diaphragm.  I explained to them how this session would need to be repeated along with other deep tissue work that would continue to bring the rest of the body into align and provide proper support.  They were excited about our previous successes in rehabilitating hiatal hernias and were relieved to find out there were alternative approaches available.   The next thing I knew their family of five were air bound for Tampa!

Please follow us at Twitter @surgicalalt or our Facebook Fan Page to hear the conclusion of this story and more like them.
About the Author:
I have been dealing with clients in severe pain from herniated discs, bulging discs, hiatal hernias, peripheral nerve damage, nerve entrapments, pinched sciatic nerve issues and many more symptoms that people think they either have to have surgery for or just deal with the pain.  The reason I started blogging was so that I could reach and help some of those people that suffer from these and many other painful conditions. At Surgical Alternative we can help! Please check out our site and post your stories and comments.

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