Thursday, January 26, 2012

Surgical Alternative-Tips for a long day at your desk

Surgical Alternative-Tips for a long day at your desk

Here are some general guidelines for proper sitting posture:
• Maintain the normal curves of your spine – Do not sit slumped or bent forward. Use a cushion or rolled towel if your chair does not provide adequate support for your lower back
• Place feet comfortably on the floor or footrest –Your feet should rest on the floor or footrest and not dangle.
• Knees and hips and elbows should be bent at a right (90 degree) angle –Avoid crossing your legs, cross your ankles
• Sit close to your work – Locate frequently used materials within arm’s reach. This will help you avoid awkward movements and excessive reaching, bending or twisting of your spine.
• If you have limited legroom, try sliding forward on the chair slightly and lowering your knees – This will allow you to get closer to your work. Also, use a cushion or towel roll for added low back support. This position is not recommended for extended periods of time because it increases pressure on the back of the legs.
• Perform some of your work standing, if the job permits – This can reduce some of the pressure on your back
• Keep a good sitting posture while driving – Keep the seat close to the steering wheel. Use a small cushion or pillow for additional support to your low back.
Improper posture leads to back pain

Stretching every hour or two is also a good strategy to preventing back pain from sitting too long. Hold each of these stretches for a minimum of 20-30 seconds and do several repetitions.
• chin tuck
• shoulder blade squeezes
• seated Hamstring stretch

So now that you know about good posture, what will you do?

Through the use of our cranial structural and advanced deep tissue massage techniques we provide effective non-surgical treatments for carpal tunnel, hiatal hernias, bulging discs, sciatica (sciatic pain), plantar fasciitis and much more. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. If you are in pain or just need a decompression session, please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Unnecessary Surgery- Surgical Alternative

Unnecessary Surgery- Surgical Alternative

Unnecessary SurgeryUnnecessary surgery has had considerable debate and some outlandish accusation in recent years. I often get asked why I’m still show passionate about what I do after 15 years and one of the big reasons is to give people a surgical alternative. According to the Harvard school of Public Health, the unwarranted or unnecessary surgeries could be as high as 30% in the United States. The most come reason for unnecessary surgery is the uncertainty of the physician about the effectiveness of an operation. We are blessed to live in a time where we have access to so much information and can research the information given to find alternative methods to heal themselves. A lot of my new clients have the same concerns that you, my husband and friends have. If this is so effective at relieving pain, why I haven’t heard of it and secondly how effective is it. One of the main reasons you may not have heard about it, is simply money and marketing. Until the internet, alternative therapies were mainly just word of mouth and most traveled within the same circles. But now we have access to other types of alternative therapies that many use to. Look at the amount of vitamins and supplements we now take.

I have always been fascinated with the body and its ability to heal itself and though unnecessary surgery we limit that ability. As we become more educated about our bodies and how to better take care of them, I hope alternative therapy becomes a viable option and not just an afterthought or a last chance. Our techniques, like those in the medical fields, continue to evolve to find new way to heal the body using a non-surgical approach.

Through the use of our cranial structural and advanced deep tissue massage techniques we provide effective non-surgical treatments for carpal tunnel, hiatal hernias, bulging discs, sciatica (sciatic pain), plantar fasciitis and much more. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. If you are in pain or just need a decompression session, please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Improper Running- How much pain can it cause?

Improper Running- How much pain can it cause?

In one of our previous blogs, we discussed collapse arches and how shoes can play a major part in causing the injury. Another big culprit is running. I’m not trying to say that running is bad; it has been a big part of my life and many others as well. Injuries from running can vary and can be caused by many different reasons. They can range anywhere from not having the proper footwear to improper stretching to not knowing how to run properly. When we run the force and impact exerted on the body is great. Improper running can cause the body to be out of balance leading to tight and pulled muscles or in some cases permanent damage. We have all seen people running down the street that look as if their body was in some type of convulsion, arms and legs flailing everywhere. As a therapist that has been working with athletes, muscles and structural balancing for over 15 years, I know the importance of proper techniques and how the body reacts when things are imbalanced. As our body ages, the trauma and injuries we incurred throughout the years tends to come back with a vengeance. I guess that’s why a lot of our clients are in the 35+ age group. In our bodywork sessions, we use cranial structural rebalancing which involved releasing the restrictions through pressure point in the cranium allowing the body to return to normal. We then use several advanced techniques including deep tissue massage to loosen the muscles around the restriction allowing the skeletal structure to remain in balance. Think of it like this, if you have two teams playing tug-o-war that are constantly pulling on each other, it is almost impossible to keep the rope in the same place. Well, that is also what your muscles are doing to your skeletal structural. No matter how many times you realign your skeletal structural if your muscles around the restrictions are pulling everything back out of alignments then the pain will continue. Running can be a fun and enjoyable way to exercise, just make sure you do it properly. In our upcoming blogs we will be discussing the treatments and successes we have had with professional and amateur athletes such as golf and tennis players.

At Surgical Alternative, we have been dealing with clients in severe pain for over 15 years now, that are suffering from herniated discs, bulging discs, hiatal hernias, peripheral nerve damage, nerve entrapments, pinched sciatic nerve issues, collapsed arches and many more symptoms that people think they either have to have surgery for or are told they just have to deal with the pain. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. Please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Herniated and Bulging Discs Treatments-Non-Surgical

Herniated and Bulging Discs Treatments-Non-Surgical

Many are confused by exactly what are bulging discs and viable non-surgical treatment options. The more general term is called a herniated disc.

Herniated or bulged discs will be an extruded disc, where the disc will actually tear through the tough outer shell and will push into the spinal space. It can cause compression to the nerves in the spinal-cord causing you to feel significant pain, weakness, or numbness.

Many people ask me how I got this or where did this come from. The answer is that there are many factors that can contribute to herniated discs or bulging discs.

One of the big contributing factors is obesity; the heavier you are the more likely you are to putting stress on your spine. Increasing you chance of experiencing a bulging or herniated discs. Lifestyle can also be a big factor, if you have a lax lifestyle that doesn’t involve any type of exercise or other strenuous activities over the years your muscle will weaken making it easier to have bulging or herniated discs. Other causes can be a simple injury such as a blow to the back, a car accident or some other trauma to the body can easily cause a herniated disc as well. Another big factor is aging; as we begin to age our spinal structure begins to weaken causing the chances of you incurring bulging discs or herniated discs to increase significantly.

Depending on where the injury on your spine may have occurred your symptoms can will be different. A herniated or bulging disc in your neck can cause significant pain in your arms, chest, neck, and hands. If the injury occurs in your lower back you may feel pain in your legs and lower region. Because the spine controls some many areas of the body you can feel pain or discomfort in many areas of the body.

At Surgical Alternative, we have been providing effective treatment options for bulging discs and herniated discs for over 14 years now, using non-surgical methods. We are passionate about what we do and spreading the message so that we can reach and help some of those people that suffer from these and many other painful conditions. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. Please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nerve Entrapment Treatments

Nerve Entrapment Treatments

If you research treatment for nerve entrapments you will come across different options. Those may include local injection of an anesthetic, oral medications or therapy and for more severe cases surgery.
A nerve entrapment or pinched nerve can feel like someone is stabbing you in the back with a knife or a constant shooting pain and can happen all over the body.  I have even worked on nerve entrapments in the feet that have cause people to be unable to walk. I have clients who have gone through various treatments before I have seen them sometimes.  Many times I am the last option, after injections or other medications that temporarily resolved the pain.  I even have clients that have had their nerve ending burned off to try and alleviate the pain.  Unfortunately that didn’t work either. Nerve entrapments and other muscular issue can be effectively resolved through our therapy sessions.  Our bodywork sessions use a combination of many techniques including advanced deep tissue massage and cranial structural rebalancing.  Our cranial techniques are designed to release the pattern your body is in and we then follow-up with deep tissue massage to loosen the muscles around the nerves allowing them to return to a normal position, therefore alleviating your pain.  Explore your options and make the best decision for you.  Just remember, these aren’t new issues. People have been suffering from these conditions since the dawn of man and way before we had prescribed drugs or surgery to resolve these issues.  The body has an amazing ability to fix itself and sometimes just needs a little bit of help that we provide.
At Surgical Alternative, we have been dealing with clients in severe pain for over 14 years now, that are suffering from herniated discs, bulging discs, hiatal hernias, peripheral nerve damage, nerve entrapments, pinched sciatic nerve issues, collapsed arches and many more symptoms that people think they either have to have surgery for or are told they just have to deal with the pain. We are passionate about what we do and spreading the message so that we can reach and help some of those people that suffer from these and many other painful conditions.   Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. Please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hiatal Hernia Treatments

I often get asked, “Can you do anything for Hiatal Hernias?” The short answer is yes. To understand how our advanced deep tissue massage and bodywork sessions fix hiatal hernias, we must first examine the causes and what exactly a hiatal hernia is. A hiatal hernia is the protrusion (or herniation) of the upper part of the stomach into the thorax through a tear or weakness in the diaphragm. There are many different causes for hiatal hernias ranging from heavy lifting or bending over, obesity, stress, heredity or even straining with constipation. In many cases people don’t even realize they have one. Some of the symptoms include acid reflux or severe abdominal pain.

So how do we fix it? Some of the most severe cases sometimes require surgery but most can be fix without it. Using our advanced bodywork techniques, we are able to go into the area of the protrusion and begin working the tight muscles around the bulge to allow the muscles to loosen and return to normal. By loosening the tight muscles that cause the hiatal hernias, we allow the protrusion to return back to its normal alignment alleviating the pain.

At Surgical Alternative, we have been dealing with clients in severe pain for over 14 years now, that are suffering from herniated discs, bulging discs, hiatal hernias, peripheral nerve damage, nerve entrapments, pinched sciatic nerve issues, collapsed arches and many more symptoms that people think they either have to have surgery for or are told they just have to deal with the pain. We use a combination of deep tissues massages and cranial structural techniques to balance and align the body. The reason we started blogging was so that we could reach and help some of those people that suffer from these and many other painful conditions. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. Please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Collapsed Arches- What cause them? Shoes!

If you have ever had a collapse arch then you know the pain that can cause. In a lot of cases it pulls on the other muscles in the foot causing it to feel like you got a sprained ankle. One of the main reasons this happens is due to improper footwear. Improper shoes can cause all types of problem with your body, from lower back pain or even a pinched sciatic nerve. If you are like a lot of my clients, you work in the corporate world where you have to wear heels or dress shoes that in most cases provide little support. Many seek insoles and other types of shoes inserts to help resolve the issue. There is a reason there are so many types of shoes, because everyone’s feet are different. One of my clients had been having the same problem for a month or so. He would come in and I would perform our bodywork session that involves advanced deep tissue massage and cranial structural techniques that rebalance and realign the body. He felt great after he left and within days his body would revert back to the same painful problem. After further consulting, we had determined that the shoes he was wearing was causing his body to go back out of alignment every time he wore them for a long period of time. I am happy to say once he got a new pair of shoes that we tested to make sure his body was supported and stabile the pain went aware. In short, proper footwear can make a big difference in your posture and the way you feel, just be sure to change them periodically once the arch support has worn out. Prevention and proper education can save you a lot of pain and discomfort, that why we at Surgical Alternative take the time to understand the underlying problem so that we can properly address the issues.

At Surgical Alternative, we have been dealing with clients in severe pain for over 14 years now, that are suffering from herniated discs, bulging discs, hiatal hernias, peripheral nerve damage, nerve entrapments, pinched sciatic nerve issues, collapsed arches and many more symptoms that people think they either have to have surgery for or are told they just have to deal with the pain. We use a combination of deep tissues massages and cranial structural techniques to balance and align the body. The reason we started blogging was so that we could reach and help some of those people that suffer from these and many other painful conditions. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. Please call today, or schedule your appointment online!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Plantar Fascitis Treatments

Effective plantar fascitis treatments! Didn’t enjoy holiday shopping because your feet just won’t let you? Is your foot pain robbing the joy out what should be an enjoyable time? Whether or not you find shopping this time of year enjoyable you should be able to shop pain free. It’s no fun trying to concentrate on the best gift for those on your list or other daily tasks when every step you take is painful! The worst part is that all the shopping is most likely contributing to the irritation. It has been reported by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons that plantar fasciitis occurs in two million Americans a year and 10% of the population over a lifetime. The pain is usually felt on the underside of the heel and is often most intense with the first steps of the day. Another symptom is that the sufferer has difficulty bending the foot so that the toes are brought toward the shin (decreased dorsiflexion of the ankle). Things that will put you at a higher risk are new or increased activity, sudden weight gain or obesity, very high arches, and tight calves . A symptom commonly recognized among sufferers of plantar fasciitis is increased probability of knee pains, especially among runners. Through our cranial/structural and deep tissues techniques we are able to provide effective plantar fascitis treatments! We not only address the area that is in pain but more importantly we focus on the area’s that are the source of the pain.

At Surgical Alternative, we have been dealing with clients in severe pain for over 14 years now, that are suffering from herniated discs, bulging discs, hiatal hernias, peripheral nerve damage, nerve entrapments, pinched sciatic nerve issues, Plantar Fascitis and many more symptoms that people think they either have to have surgery for or are told they just have to deal with the pain. We use a combination of deep tissues massages and cranial structural techniques to balance and align the body. The reason we started blogging was so that we could reach and help some of those people that suffer from these and many other painful conditions. Surgical Alternative is now located in Lutz near New Tampa. We proudly service Tampa, St. Petersburg, Land O Lakes, New Port Richey, Wesley Chapel, Trinity and all surrounding areas. Please call today, or schedule your appointment online!