As with most specialized or advanced therapist I started out as a relaxation/sports massage therapist after a career in my major( Nutrition) didn’t work out. As a former track athlete I understood the importance and benefit of massage in treating muscular aches and pains and I have always been compelled to help others. A few years out of massage school I had a growing business and was doing well, but 911 changed all that. My business died and I had to reaccess my situation. Fortunately, I meet a man, my husband, that allowed me to pursue my passion of helping people who were in constant pain, feel better and return to normal lives. Through my search I was fortunate enough to be introduced to a new therapy that combined deep tissue massages and cranial therapy techniques, finding new ways of helping those in severe and chronic pain called Structural Energetic Therapy. A girlfriend was going thru the training and kept encouraging me to try a workshop and experience the work. After the first weekend of a 2 weekend workshop I immediately signed up for the 2year training. Doing this type of worked completely opened a whole new world of how I could really make a difference in others lives. I have had the luxury of learning and working for the last 9 years next to the creator of the main work I practice, who has helped me hone and perfect my skills. I love what I do, therefore I am constantly looking for ways to educate myself so that I can do the best possible job for my clients. I have even taken a cadaver class to gain a better understanding of the body and how the muscle, bones and organs connect. I know, strange but really cool and highly beneficial. OK,Who didn’t like the bodies’ exhibit! I take my experience and take the time to try to educate my clients during their session and show them that sometimes where the pain is showing up is not always the source of where the pain is coming from. I have been awed and privileged to get the array of clients that have been referred to me. Many of the clients I see have been in pain for a long time, have been told there was nothing that we can do for you, have been told their test came back fine, and or been told here are some medications to help manage your pain…good luck.
If anyone of you have followed my blog in the past, then you know I’m passionate about letting people know there are surgical alternatives. I’m also excited to see the recent positive press about the health benefits of massage(which I have tried to stress with my clients). With the internet, availability and speed of information is more widespread than ever and when Oprah and Dr. Oz are in the discussion at least we gain credibility. I feel fortunate to learn about techniques online that other have used for centuries but because of locate have been inaccessible. Technology has changed accessibility which will continue to evolve the world. I hope we get to a point where we can use massage and other alternative medicines to stay healthier and cure common alignments instead of medication.
I have been helping people cure many conditions associated with whiplash flexion/extension injuries, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, degenerative disc disease, hiatal hernias, herniated discs or bulging discs, carpal tunnel, nerve entrapment, sciatica (providing sciatic pain relief), low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or foot pain and tailbone pain – that is usually related to the musculoskeletal structure. By addressing and releasing the core distortion pattern through a combination of techniques including deep tissue massages and cranial release we are able to achieve pain relief, homeostasis, and return to normal function.